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Leading Teens Closer to Christ

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Early Childhood Center

Where Faith, Fun & Learning Begin

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Mass Times: Sat 4:00pm, 6:00pm | Sun 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am & 5:00pm | Daily Mass: M-F 8:00am

Office Hours: M-F 9:00am – 4:00pm 


Dear newcomers and visitors,
Welcome to our parish!

On behalf of Fr. Krzysztof, Fr. George and the parish staff, may I say we’re blessed to have you and thank you for reading this message. It’s our hope that you will find whatever information you need in one of these forms of the media.

Our mission statement is “Learning, Living and Sharing the Good News of the Gospel message,” and we hope this is evident in the many opportunities we provide for learning about our faith, living our faith as a volunteer with one of more of our many ministries and sharing our faith with others.

Please know that we are here to help you grow in your faith, and may the good Lord bless all of us with the knowledge of His great love for us through His Son Jesus Christ Our Lord, and with the prayers of our Blessed Mother, may we also grow as a community of love and respect for one another.

Holy Season of Lent

Ash Wednesday, March 5th — Mass at 8am, 12noon and 7pm
Stations of the Cross: Fridays of Lent at 4:30pm; Good Friday, April 18th at 7pm

• Stations of the Cross with Faith Formation K-5: March 7th at 7pm
• Stations of the Cross with Lifeteen & Edge: April 4th at 7pm
Fish Fry: Fridays of Lent: March 7, 14 & 21, from 5pm-7pm
Lenten Pasta Dinners: Fridays of Lent: March 28, April 4 & 11
Parish Lenten Mission
• Saturday & Sunday, April 5 & 6: Preached at all Masses
• Monday & Tuesday, April 7-8: Mission Talk at 7pm
• Wednesday, April 9th: Communal Penance Service beginning at 4pm followed by opportunity for individual Confessions.

Saturday Confessions from 2:30 – 3:30pm

Our Saturday Confessions will now be heard in the cry room of the church. This room is soundproof, so it offers sufficient space to ensure confidentiality. We will have two chairs placed in the room that will be spaced apart to comply with social distancing guidelines from the diocese. Simply line up along the back wall of the church wile waiting and please be sure to practice social distancing. Thank you.

With all the cyber attacks out there, we though it would be a good idea to hear from our IT Specialist. Please take a moment to view this video.

We need to warn you that the scam that has been used against the Church for the past few years is back again! Please do not fall for it! In this scam, someone who is claiming to be one of our priests is asking for money, supposedly for some good cause. But the person asking is a scam artist, and the money would not go to a good cause, but it would go into the pockets of the scam artist! Please know that no priest of the Diocese of St. Petersburg is ever allowed to make such personal requests for money, and please for your own sake, do not give them any! God bless you!

Can’t Wait for YOU to Join Us!

Middle School Youth Ministry (6th – 8th)
Meetings Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:45pm
Beth DeBella and Cliff Stodden
STA Youth Ministry
Email: Stateens@stanpr.org
(O)727-372-8600 x131 (C)727-809-2384

Ever wonder where God is now?…

High School Youth Ministry (9th-12th)

Sundays 5 pm LifeTeen Mass
Meeting Afterwards

Beth DeBella and Cliff Stodden
STA Youth Ministry
Email: Stateens@stanpr.org
(C)727-809-2384 (O)727-372-8600 x131

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Upcoming Events


Stations of the Cross – Fridays of Lent
March 7 @ 4:30 pm - April 18 @ 4:30 pm


Lenten Pasta Dinner
March 28 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Parish Center, 8320 Old CR 54
New Port Richey, FL 34653 United States

For a listing of our upcoming events, please visit our Events Page or check our online Calendar.

Please consider signing up for St. Thomas Aquinas’ Online Giving.

You can make your weekly contributions to St. Thomas Aquinas without writing a check or worrying about cash donations.
We want to thank all the STA families who are now using Online Giving!

Catholic Ministry Appeal

The Catholic Ministry Appeal is simple, more transparent, and allows you to know exactly where your gifts are going so you can give with confidence.

In its inaugural year, the 2022 Catholic Ministry Appeal exceeded its goal! Thanks to the generosity of our grace-filled diocesan family, we know what is possible and the impact we have in our community. Click here for an overview of how we performed in 2023.

In 2025, we will work together to raise $9.5 million to ensure these ministries can continue bringing ministry to life with every dollar donated toward our goal directly funding our ministries, outreach, and programs.

And, it is important to note that all of the ministries included in this appeal have a direct tie to our call to be missionary disciples, bringing others into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

(This will take you to the Diocese of St. Petersburg website)

Generous gifts to the Catholic Ministry Appeal are tied to two circles of our Mater Dei Giving Society click here to learn more.