As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, when we gather for Mass, “It is the whole community, the Body of Christ united with its Head, that celebrates”. (# 1140). But good liturgy doesn’t just “happen”, it takes many people to create a joyful and reverent celebration, from the ushers who greet us at the doors, to the music and projection ministry, to the altar servers assisting the priest, to the readers proclaiming the Word, to the Eucharistic Ministers distributing Holy Communion to the sacristans who work behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly. Right now, we are in particular need of projection operators, altar servers and sacristans.
Projection operators: everything one needs to project the Mass is already in the computer – it’s a matter of clicking on the appropriate slide as you follow along.
Altar servers: we all see what they do as part of the entrance procession and recessional, setting the altar and assisting the priest.
Sacristans: ensure that all the ministers are present for their assigned role, that the books are set and the vessels are cleaned properly following the Mass. Training is provided for all of these ministries. If you’re not ready to make a commitment, you can shadow someone already serving.
We have a large number of funerals here at St. Thomas, and it is a privilege that families choose our parish for this special celebration of life for their loved one. But again, we particularly need ushers, projection operators, altar servers and sacristans. Once trained, ministers are not routinely scheduled but contacted to see if they are available at a particular date and time. If not, we ask the next minister on the list.
If you have a family member already serving at a particular Mass, think about joining a ministry as well. If you already serve in one ministry, think about being trained to help in another (e.g. maybe you are a Eucharistic Minister but would serve well as a sacristan at least occasionally).
Please pray about this and see if God is indeed calling you to play an additional role when we gather for our celebration of the Mass. If interested or if you have any questions, please contact Cheralyn at ext. 111.
“I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” “Here I am;” I said; “send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Faith Formation: Our Faith Formation has many opportunities from being a receptionist at the front desk during Faith Formation Sessions, doing “behind the scenes” work, or sharing your love of our faith with our children and teens. We’ll provide you with all you need! Contact Michaela Meyers at ext. 133 or Michaela@stanpr.org.
Liturgical Ministries: Ministers of the Word are responsible for proclaiming the Word of God at all Liturgical celebrations in a way that enables the faithful to develop a warm and lively love for the Scriptures. Readers are assigned once every several weeks and are required to attend parish or diocesan training and renewal workshops.
Contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or cheralyn@stanpr.org.
Altar servers for our weekend masses, boys and girls, third through 12th grade. Adult servers are needed for funerals and weekday morning Mass (8:30). Contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or cheralyn@stanpr.org.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend and weekday masses. Contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or cheralyn@stanpr.org.
St. Vincent de Paul: We have a very active St. Vincent de Paul Society that manages a busy food pantry and makes home visits or meets with clients here in the parish center to assist with financial needs. If interested, please call the parish office and leave a message on their voicemail at extension 142.
Our Music Ministry is in need of a bass player for the praise band at 10:30 Mass. Cantors are needed for the 4pm and 6pm masses on Sat, and the 8:30 and 10:30 masses on Sunday. Choir members needed for our 8:30 and 10:30 masses. You need not make a weekly commitment. Singing is praying twice! Audition required. Contact Dan O’Hara at ext 128 or danohara@stanpr.org.
Projection Operators – for weekend and funeral masses. You may “shadow” an operator during a mass at any time to see how “do-able” it is! Please contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or cheralyn@stanpr.org.
Homebound Ministry: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the gift of Eucharist to Trinity Medical Center, six area nursing homes and to the homebound. Those visiting the hospital go in teams. Contact Betty West at ext 116 or bettywest@stanpr.org.
Emergency Maintenance Team: Our maintenance dept. needs volunteers willing to come and help prepare the parish grounds in the event of a hurricane. Contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or cheralyn@stanpr.org.
Gift Shop
Volunteers are needed to staff our gift shop before and after weekend masses.
Contact the parish office for more info.
STA Grounds
We have several lovely areas on our parish campus devoted to prayer and reflection. They do require regular upkeep (weeding, pruning, trimming). You can work at your convenience. Please contact the parish office for more info.