Middle School Youth Ministry (6th – 8th)

Orientation and Registration for Middle School (Edge) will be held on two different dates this year. Please choose one or the other to register your middle schooler for an awesome year of youth ministry!
Beth DeBella and Cliff Stodden
STA Youth Ministry
Email: Stateens@stanpr.org
(O)727-372-8600 x131 (C)727-809-2384
Ever wonder where God is now?…
High School Youth Ministry (9th-12th)
Sundays 5 pm LT Mass,
meeting afterwards
Orientation and registration for our High School Youth Ministry (Life Teen) will be held on two different dates this fall. Please choose one to register for a powerful year of growing closer to Christ in a fun and welcoming environment of peers.
Beth DeBella and Cliff Stodden – STA Youth Ministry
Email: Stateens@stanpr.org
(C)727-809-2384 (O)727-372-8600 x131
Here at STA we offer Edge (6th,7th,8th grade) on Wednesday nights (5:30pm-6:45pm) and Life Teen (9th,10th,11th,12th grade) on Sunday nights after the 5pm Life Teen Mass.
Edge | LifeTeen
Our Mission Statement:
“Leading Teens Closer To Christ”
Our Goal:
Together with all who worship at St. Thomas Aquinas we will work to spread the good news throughout the world by being good examples of Christ to all we meet in our daily lives. We will share our faith through friendship and fellowship with each other by being a youth ministry committed to building relationships. We will continue to grow in our faith by not only continuing to learn but sharing our knowledge as much as we can. We will always let our light shine throughout the parish and the world. Following St. Francis’ words, we will preach the Gospel always and if necessary use words. By doing this we become living Eucharist for the world!
Church office: 727-372-8600 Ext. 131 or email us at STAteens@gmail.com
www.stanpr.org (This is us!)
www.spiritfm905.com (great contemporary Christian music from our Diocesan radio station)
www.bustedhalo.com (A great site just for you! Enjoy!)
Contact Beth DeBella 727-372-8600 Ext. 131 or email us at stateens@gmail.com.
Please visit our other pages for more information
Trip Information & Permission Slips
Bill Hulton Scholarship