Your donations make a real difference in the lives of people at St. Thomas Aquinas, in the community and around the world! As Catholics, we thank God for His many blessings and are called to share those blessings with others. St. Thomas Aquinas offers many ways to give, including online giving and weekly offertory envelopes. You may make a single gift, schedule ongoing donations or change your level of giving at anytime.
Online Giving
For your convenience, St. Thomas Aquinas offers a simple and safe method of making offertory contributions via automatic payment from your checking or credit card account through our automated payment program Our Sunday Visitor. It’s simple! Just follow this link https://osvhub.com/stanpr/funds. You will be able to securely access and make changes to your account any time online. There is no cost to you for joining or making your donations through this program. If you need help with this process contact the Parish Bookkeeper at 372-8600 Ext. 115 (Mon-Fri between 9:00am-4:00pm).
Catholic Ministry Appeal
Together, through the Catholic Ministry Appeal, we respond to needs of our local communities and support Catholics throughout their lives. With your gift, you are nurturing spiritual life, embracing God’s call to serve and accompanying missionary disciples in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. In the spirit of faith and mission, please consider making a commitment to the Catholic Ministry Appeal for the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
Weekly Envelopes
Envelopes are mailed monthly to every registered household in the parish. Please contact the main office at 372-8600 to register or for any changes in your address.
Remember St. Thomas Aquinas in Your Will
Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Thomas Aquinas, New Port Richey, FL the sum of $_____ or_____percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works.”
If you would like more information about any of these methods of giving, please contact Cheralyn Quevedo at (727) 372-8600 Ext. 111. As always, please contact your tax professional to discuss specific tax implications.
Thank you for your generosity!