Stewardship is responsible management of our God-given resources of time, talent, and treasure. It enhances our relationships with God and one another. Stewardship is living out a commitment to be Christ-centered rather than self-centered and involves a conversion of the heart. Stewardship is a lifelong journey with each person at a different place on the path.
St. Paul tells us that God has blessed each of us for a reason. How has God blessed you? Are you using your gifts according to God’s plan, helping to do His work here on earth? Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned for you, no one else can do it.
Stewardship of Time and Talents
Please take some time to check out the many ministries available at St. Thomas Aquinas. If you see something that interests you, why not offer your time and talent for the service of others? If you don’t find something, please consider how you can creatively use your talents to serve the Lord and our parish family and let us know. We certainly need your help.
Liturgical Ministries
Social Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Youth Ministries