Vacation Bible School, 2023 "Stellar"

Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, 2022

Parish Picnic - November 14, 2021

Parishioners enjoy the nice weather and great music during the Fall Picnic at St. Thomas Aquinas

Blessing of the Animals in Honor of Feast of St. Francis of Assisi - October 2, 2021

Fr. George said a special blessing for all the parish pets in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assissi.

Priesthood Sunday - September 26, 2021

Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to honor priesthood in the United States.

Filipino Mass - September 19, 2021

We were blessed to celebrate Mass with our Filipino community as they honored Jesus as the Lord of Pardon. A delicious dinner of traditional Filipino foods followed in the parish center, as well as a bit of music and dancing!

Parish Picnic - November 22, 2020

Alta Server Training - October 2020

Rosary Rally - October 2020