Prayers of the Faithful
(Version 2)
Priest: God, the Almighty Father, raised Christ His Son from the dead; with confidence we ask Him to save His people, living and dead.
Our brother (sister)__________ was given the promise of eternal life in baptism; Lord, give him/her communion with your saints forever. All: Lord, hear our prayer.
N.__________ ate the bread of eternal life, the Body of Christ; raise him/her up, Lord, on the last day. All: Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for our brothers and sisters, our relatives, for all who were close to us and good to us; Lord, give them the reward of their goodness. All: Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for all who have died in the hope of rising again; welcome them, Lord, into the light of Your presence. All: Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for all who have gathered here to worship in faith; Lord, make us one in Your kingdom. All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Priest: Lord, hear our prayers for our dead brothers and sisters; forgive them their sins, and bring them to the fullness of Your salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen.
Funeral Planning
Order of a Funeral Mass
Order of a Memorial Mass
Funeral Mass Planning
Prayers of the Faithful – V1
Prayers of the Faithful – V2
Reading Selections
Funeral Music