Liturgical Ministry

Readers are responsible for proclaiming the Word of God at all Liturgical celebrations in a way that enables the faithful to develop a warm and lively love for the Scriptures. Readers are assigned once every several weeks and are required to attend parish or diocesan training and renewal workshops.
Contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion undertake the office of assisting in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. They are resolved to administer the holy eucharist with the utmost care and reverence. The following are some requirements:
- Be registered at the parish for at least one full year
- Be fully initiated (i.e., baptized and confirmed)
- Be a practicing Catholic in full communion with the Church
- Attend a Eucharistic Minister training session
Contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or

Singers and musicians have been part of worship and liturgy since the days of the Old Testament. Our parish choirs accept anyone who is a practicing Catholic and has a modicum of musical ability; you do not need to be professional grade.
If you feel you would like to join one of the choirs please contact Dan O’Hara, the music director, at or come up and introduce yourself after Mass. You can also leave a message at 727 372 8600, ext. 128.

Altar Servers for our weekend masses, boys and girls, third through 12th grade. Adult servers are needed for funerals and weekday morning mass (8:30).
If you would like to sign up to become an altar server, here are the requirements:
- You have celebrated your First Communion
- You are in the 5th grade or older
- You have attended an altar server training session
Contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or

Ushers are men and women who provide hospitality during our liturgies by:
- assisting with seating
- taking up collection
- directing both the Offertory and Communion processions
- distribute the weekly bulletin
Please contact Cheralyn Quevedo, Ext. 111 or