Bible Study

Bible Study for Everyone
Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Center
The Bible Study group meets weekly to study, reflect, and share God’s Word. While Bible Study is generally focused on the upcoming Sunday readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel, there are also other various learning opportunities, such as sessions focused on a specific book from Scripture or on various topics like covenants, church history, and more spread throughout the year.
So bring an open heart, a willingness to learn and pray God’s Holy Word, and prepare for an evening of lively discussion, sharing, and wonderful commentary.
Prior to each session, we would ask you to do the following:
- Read the Sunday readings.
- Reflect on the readings and ask yourself how they speak to you.
- Explore the meaning of the readings by studying various online resources and commentary.
- Bring your Bible.