35 events found.
Join us for an all-you-can-eat-no-meat Lenten Pasta Dinner Friday, April 4th, 5pm-7pm Looking for a Lenten Sacrifice? Bring a friend, a neighbor, a stranger — someone who is hungry — and buy them a Lenten Pasta Dinner. Let them eat all they can, and share in their joy & fellowship. Tickets: $8.00 for all-you-can-eat-no-meat spaghetti. […]
Saturday & Sunday, April 5 & 6 after all Masses All parishioners and friends are invited to “Come and See” where the Lord may be calling you to serve Him and His Church! Parish Ministries and Organizations will have tables set up in the Parish Hall with their information. Please stop by and consider volunteering […]
NEXT Saturday, April 5th, 9am-11am Looking for a Lenten Sacrifice? WE NEED YOUR HELP! “Polish the Parish” in preparation for Easter Please come and share your time and talent at our Parish Workday. Great time to get community service hours. No experience or expertise necessary! Projects may include: Church: vacuum, clean church pews, windows and […]
All are invited! Pray and participate in the INSTALLATION OF OUR PASTOR The Rite of Installation is a liturgical ceremony that formally appoints the new pastor to his office as a parish priest into a local parish community.
Main dish provided, so all are welcome whether you can bring anything or not! Bring your favorite salads, sides & desserts to share! Last name ending in … please bring: A-M … salads & sides N-Z … desserts For more info, please contact Cindy at 734-735-3224
The first Sunday of each month is Fellowship Sunday. Join/meet your fellow parishioners for coffee, donuts and conversation after all morning masses!