“Polish the Parish” Work Day

NEXT Saturday, April 5th, 9am-11am
Looking for a Lenten Sacrifice? WE NEED YOUR HELP! “Polish the Parish” in preparation for Easter Please come and share your time and talent at our Parish Workday. Great time to get community service hours. No experience or expertise necessary!
Projects may include:
- Church: vacuum, clean church pews, windows and kneelers. Dust and cover statues.
- Kitchen & Hall: clean kitchen, wipe down tables & chairs, mop floor.
- Outdoor projects: Mulch gardens, clean up weeds in beds, etc.
If you can bring shovels, wheelbarrow, outdoor work gloves, tractor/gator, polish rags, polish and any other equipment or tool you think we may need … that would be greatly appreciated! Help us prepare our Parish Home for Easter!