The following materials are needed to complete the application process:
Application Form (one for each child) Download Here
Original Birth Certificate (copy made in ECC office). Returning students do not need to submit an additional birth certificate if one is already on file.
EC2 & EC3 Only
$250* non-refundable registration/re-enrollment fee (includes t-shirt).
There is a $200 VPK wrap around fee (if you will be using Early Drop or Lunch Bunch services). If you choose not to use the Early Drop or Lunch Bunch services, you do not need to pay a fee. Choosing not to use the wrap around does not affect your enrollment status. The process for VPK enrollment is not complete until the school receives the Certificate of Eligibility.
*A $25 discount on the registration fee or VPK wrap around fee is available if you are a returning student, sibling of a current student, currently on our waiting list or a registered parishioner of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. You must register by March 3rd, 2025 to receive the discount.
VPK Certificate of Eligibility
Parents must obtain the VPK Certificate of by going online to: Click on “Family Portal,” “Apply for Voluntary Prekindergarten,” then create an account. Parents must come into the ECC office with all paperwork completed and required signatures. Please do not send registration forms and checks in your child’s backpack. All 2024-2025 fees must be current prior to registration. Please contact the ECC office if you have any questions or concerns.
St. Thomas Aquinas Early Childhood Center is, foremost, a Catholic school where two-, three- and four- year old’s are given the opportunity to develop spiritually, socially, physically and intellectually. To ensure that our goals and objectives are met, the administration of St. Thomas Aquinas ECC feels that it is important to maintain a child/staff ratio of no more than ten to one (ratio varies with age group). We seek to provide faith-filled, qualified teachers to work with our children. At St. Thomas Aquinas ECC we continually strive to offer you the best possible program at an affordable rate.
St. Thomas Aquinas Early Childhood Center is self-supporting. Tuition, registration fees and fundraising events comprise our total income and families are requested to support all fundraising events during the year. We are a non-profit organization. All income returns directly to the center in the form of staff compensation, low teacher-student ratios, building maintenance, equipment and supplies, and staff professional development. Your children are enrolled in a quality program due to your financial commitment and personal involvement. We participate in numerous programs that provide our center with many items for which we would otherwise need additional funds. Programs include General Mills Box Tops for Education, Scholastic Book Clubs, fundraising events, and grant pursuits.
In providing a quality, affordable program, it is necessary for St. Thomas Aquinas Early Childhood Center to utilize its teachers and classrooms to full capacity as often as possible. Our two year old and three year old programs offer several options. These children, who are experiencing school for the first time, are able to ease gradually into the school environment. Our four year old VPK program is offered five mornings per week (mandatory).
The tuition and payment information for the 2025-2026 school year is as follows:
2025-26 Tuition Fees:
Annual Tuition
Ten Monthly Payments
5 half days
5 half days
3 half days
3 half days
2 half days
2 half days
**Tuition and Fees published as of January 13, 2025 subject to change**
Tuition payments may be paid as follows: one annual payment, quarterly payments, or ten monthly payments. If a child withdraws during the year, tuition will not be refunded.
The first tuition payment is due by August 1, 2025.
Open registration begins on Monday, February 3, 2025. If you know a family looking for a program “Where Faith, Fun and Learning Begin”, please invite them to visit St. Thomas Aquinas Early Childhood Center. We’d love to have them join our STAECC family! If they register their child and begin school in the fall, you will receive a $25 credit towards tuition or Lunch Bunch.
I trust that every parent will make the decision that is best for their child. Registered families will receive a welcome letter and school calendar in a mailing in June. This letter will outline the Parent Orientation meeting that all families are required to attend prior to school beginning in August. Parents are reminded that our policy does not allow teacher requests or requests to place certain children together.
If you have any questions regarding the upcoming year, please call the school office at 727-372-2330 or e-mail We look forward to having you and your child as a part of our St. Thomas Aquinas family for the upcoming year.
God bless you,
Alicia Mumma, Director
St. Thomas Aquinas ECC