
High School Youth Ministry (9th-12th)

Sundays 5 pm LT Mass, meeting afterwards
Beth DeBella and Cliff Stodden – STA Youth Ministry
(C)727-809-2384 (O)727-372-8600 x131
“Life Teen is an international Catholic movement that serves the Church by providing resources and faith experiences that help lead teens closer to Christ. This is accomplished through a vibrant Eucharistic spirituality and by creating opportunities for teens to grow in their faith.” – from
What is Life Teen?
Life Teen is a Catholic youth ministry program that began in 1985 at St. Timothy’s Catholic Church in Mesa, Arizona. There are now over 1,000 parishes around the world that have adopted the Life Teen program, which is geared towards high school teens in grades 9-12.
Life Teen began here at St. Thomas Aquinas in 2007 and has continued with great success since then every Sunday night. In the Life Teen philosophy teens are recognized as a sub-culture; the Mass and the entire program are designed to address the specific needs of teens today. This new vision of teen ministry allows the teen to immerse him or herself in the life of the parish and on a larger scale, of the Church. Life Teen provides our teens with a “Catholic Identity”
Life Teen Mass
The Life Teen Mass that takes place every Sunday at 5:00pm is the core of the program providing teens and their families with a liturgy geared toward their spiritual needs. The Life Teen Mass requires a “full and active participation of the entire community”. The Mass, homily and music are specifically directed to the teens and they have responded wholeheartedly. The teens also take an active role in the ministries at the Mass specifically, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Sacristans and Hospitality. There are many other elements of the liturgy that speak to teens on their emotional level found mostly in the unconditional love of Christ and of that same sharing in the community.
Life Nights
Life Nights follow the Life Teen Mass every Sunday night and provide an opportunity for teens to go deeper in their faith, share their faith with their peers through witness talks and interactive discussion and learn more about issues facing teens today and how to deal with them. These nights are presented by our Core team made up of young adults from the parish. Topics for these nights come from the National Life Teen office, from the Core team’s own ideas, and ideas suggested by teens.
Contact Beth DeBella 727-372-8600 x-131 or email us at
Weekly Events
Life Teen Mass & Life Nights
Sundays: Join us for the 5:00 pm Life Teen Mass and then come down to the Parish Hall for Life Night after the 5 p.m. Life Teen Mass.
For Life Night Updates, Click Here!
*** Please check the website for the most up to date info and note that this calendar is subject to change please make sure you have a copy of the most current one!
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Contact Beth DeBella 727-372-8600 x-131 or email us at
Please visit our other pages for more information
Youth Ministry
Youth Registration
Bill Hulton Scholarship