…for adults and children, families and singles alike.
For information about specific Faith Formation programs, please check the links below:
Faith Formation Announcements
Adult Programs
Sacraments: Instruction & Preparation
Or contact:
Office of Faith Formation
Phone: (727) 372-8600, ext 133
contact Michaela Myers at michaela@stanpr.org
The Office of Faith Formation offers adult faith formation for individuals and groups, including faith sharing groups, bible study, seminars and special events, as well as opportunities for renewal and inspiration.
The Office also offers Children’s Faith Formation, formerly known as “CCD” or “Religious Education,” for grades K-thru-5. For this school year classes are held on Sundays and Wednesdays. Also included is the program for sacraments preparation, i.e., baptism and “First Communion– Eucharist” and “First Confession–Reconciliation.” We also hold an annual Christmas Pageant and summer Vacation Bible School.
IMPORTANT: We encourage you to become involved in our ministry, too. Our Faith Formation office is always looking for volunteers. You don’t need any special knowledge or training. We provide everything you’ll need, and it’s one of the best ways you can live and share your Catholic faith. Contact contact Michaela Myers at ext 133 or michaela@stanpr.org
Family is the Domestic Church! Parents / Guardians are the first, foremost & forever teachers of the faith. This parish level catechesis is one small layer in the grand scheme of faith formation. Take advantage of every beautiful resource available to you!!!
Faith Formation For All – Information below is for K-12
Register NOW for 2024-2025!
Below are links to download registration documents. (Note: You must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view the above documents. If you do not have the Adobe Reader click here to install it for free.)
You can pick up registration forms at the Parish Office Front Reception Desk or in the Narthex of Main Church. Or click the links below and download them and return them back to the Parish Office.
Faith Formation Acknowledgement Form
STA K-5 Faith Formation Registration Form
Sacrament Prep Registration – Year 1 Form
Sacrament Prep Registration – Year 2 Form
Saint Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church welcomes all families to participate in ongoing, lifelong faith formation!
2024-2025 Formation Sessions are held from August – May (see calendars for complete schedule)
The Formation Staff of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church is privileged to serve with and for you. 727-372-8600
Religious Education / Formation Sessions: Weekly classroom sessions are offered from August through May for preK – grade 5 (see Youth Ministry for older grades).
Weekly Kindergarten – Grade 5 sessions are available on Sunday mornings 9:00AM – 10:15AM (allowing families to participate in 10:30AM Mass), Wednesdays from 5:15PM – 6:30PM (Pizza / Concession offered at 5:00PM)
Weekly Middle School grades 6-8 Edge Youth Ministry sessions are available Wednesdays from 5:15PM – 6:30 PM (see Youth Ministry for more information and registration)
Weekly High School Youth Ministry grades 9-12 sessions (Life Teen model) are available Sundays from 5:00PM Mass (6:30PM fellowship start) – Life Teen is part of the Confirmation preparation and curriculum (see Youth Ministry for more information and registration)
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and RCIA adapted for youth sessions are available weekly, with Breaking Open the Word and Catechetical gatherings.
Baptism Preparation for parents / godparents of infant & toddler children is available monthly as scheduled
Parent / Adult Faith Formation enrichment sessions are held on a regular basis – along with scheduled whole family sessions for all – and those in preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Please contact Michaela Myers at Ext. 133 or by email at michaela@stanpr.org
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, weekly September – May. (10:30AM Mass) NO REGISTRATION NEEDED Open to children ages 4-7. After the opening prayer, the children are invited to go with a trained volunteer to a nearby ministry room. There they hear the scripture readings from the children’s lectionary. Next, they share the Gospel and reflect on its meaning in their lives. The children then explore how they can act on God’s Word and live the Gospel. They will rejoin their parents and the adult community for the celebration of the Eucharist during Offertory
You can pick up registration forms at the Parish Office Front Reception Desk or in the Narthex of Main Church. Or click the links below and download them and return them back to the Parish Office.
Faith Formation Acknowledgement Form
STA K-5 Faith Formation Registration Form
Sacrament Prep Registration – Year 1 Form
Sacrament Prep Registration – Year 2 Form